West Street Community Primary School and Nursery


West Street is a fully inclusive school that strives to provide the best education for all children.

Inclusion looks at the needs of each individual pupil including children with specific learning difficulties, pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties, EAL (English as an Additional Language) pupils, and pupils considered to be able and talented.

West Street is fortunate enough to have nurture provision in both key stages which is led by our Inclusion Team. Our Inclusion team is managed by Mrs Gupta, our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), and supported by a high level of experienced support staff deployed so that all children can achieve their highest potential and make the best progress possible.

Sparkle Room

Pupils from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can access Sparkle Room if they have an identified need for some additional support through nurture provision. This could be lack of confidence, poor self -esteem, social interaction or managing emotions.

Read more.

Fireworks Room

Pupils from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can access Fireworks Room if they have an identified need for some additional support through nurture provision. This could be lack of confidence, poor self -esteem, social interaction or managing emotions.

Read more.





Mrs Gupta

SENDco, Inclusion Lead and member of the Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Gupta is an experienced teacher with a long standing passion for special educational needs.

Key Roles:

SEN &  Pupil Premium lead: working with pupils, families, staff and external agencies to ensure appropriate provision is in place to meet all needs.
Overseeing nurture provision in our Sparkle and Fireworks groups.
Safeguarding deputy lead.

Mrs Peake

Pastoral Support Worker & Designated Lead for Safeguarding

Mrs Peake has a family centre background and a wealth of experience supporting families with a wide range of needs.

Key Roles:

Working with parents, staff, pupils and external agencies to support families experiencing difficult circumstances.
Overseeing attendance, meeting with parents and referring to support teams.
Referring safeguarding concerns and working with families.

Mrs Bretherton

Qualified nurture provider

A qualified nurture provider, a trained behaviour mentor and has a strong desire to see all pupils succeed socially, emotionally and academically.

Key Roles:

Overseeing behaviour support across the school
Leading interventions for social and emotional development including Key Stage 2 nurture (Fireworks Room), Rainbows & Sunbeams programmes, social interaction groups

Mrs Duerden


Mrs Duerden is a qualified counsellor and nurture provider with a wealth of experience and a passion for supporting pupils experiencing emotional difficulty.

Key Roles:

Working with individual children, small groups and families where counselling needs have been identified.






Miss McPherson

Speech & Language Lead

Miss McPherson works closely with the speech and language service to design and provide individual packages of support for pupils with speech and language needs.

She also delivers small group interventions supporting pupils in their overall academic, social and emotional development.

Mrs Kauser

Qualified higher level teaching assistant

a qualified higher level teaching assistant with a wealth of experience in supporting pupils with English as an additional language.

She assesses and supports staff and parents in enabling pupils to make rapid progress when they join our school.


Mrs Ellison

Teaching Assistant

Delivers Reception / Key Stage 1 nurture provision alongside Mrs Lawson.


Mrs Graham

Teaching Assistant

awaiting info…

Mrs Whitworth

Teaching Assistant

awaiting info…

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Get in touch
West Street Community Primary School and Nursery
West Street, Colne, Lancashire BB8 0HW
Headteacher | Miss Sarah Watson | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
Bursar | Mrs Carol Franks | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
SENCO | Emily Robinson | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
Pastoral Lead | Mrs Andrea Peake | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
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